Igor Arbutina

  • Bachelor of Science, Dubrovnik / Hrvatska

  • FCCA, London / UK

  • Croatian certified auditor, Zagreb / Croatia

Igor Arbutina is responsible for audit and financial advisory. He is an expert with more than 15 years of experience in the various audit engagments including forensic audit. Additionally he has multiple years of experience in the due diligence, transaction advisory, mergers, demergers and business valuations.


Real Estate investments in CEE/SEE

TPA’s Code of Conduct

Investing in Montenegro

Incentives for Energy Efficiency in CEE/SEE Regio…

Transfer Pricing in CEE/SEE. Country Reports.

Renewable Energy – Quo vadis?

Transfer Pricing. Risk Management

Real Estate Services in CEE/SEE

TPA company brochure

Investing in Austria