Renewable Energy – Quo vadis?

Overview of the renewable energy market in Central and South Eastern Europe

The TPA country reports are an efficient business intelligence tool for investors and analysts in the renewable energy field. This brochure will give you a clear overview of the most important markets regarding renewable energy in Central and South Eastern Europe.

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Renewable Energy Sources: Wind, Solar, Hydro, Biomass

The country reports, with the information status of January 2016, contain the latest figures for the renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro and biomass. In the light of several legislative changes introduced in 2014 and 2015 this reports provide per country a comprehensive overview of trends in the renewable energy sector, the regulatory environment, financing sources and profitability in the Central and South Eastern European market.

Order your copy of ‘Renewable Energy – Quo vadis?’ without charge via post or PDF download.


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